Volunteer Job Descriptions

PTA relies on the time and energy of dedicated volunteers to make every school year a great one. There are positions and opportunities of all types and we encourage you to find something that fits your talents and schedules.

Please note that the descriptions are here to help you, not restrict you. If you have new and better ideas, feel free to put your own personal touch on the position.

Email us and tell us how you’d like get involved!

PTA Board positions

President (co-Presidents)

  • Manage overall objectives and strategies of PTA

  • Act as liaison between PTA and principal

  • Create agenda and facilitate monthly PTA meetings

  • Write a periodic PTA newsletter

  • Collaborate with Principal to create annual school calendar

  • Speak at Curriculum Night and other events

  • Attend Jefferson County PTA meetings

Vice President

  • Confer with and assist President in carrying out his/her duties.

  • Help Chairs as needed (Communications, Hospitality, Advocacy, etc)

  • Represent President in her/his absence or upon request.

  • Attend meetings in the President’s absence.


  • Collaborate with the PTA Board to generate the annual PTA budget.

  • Prepare the annual audit and tax return.

  • Pay bills and reimbursements as required.

  • Record deposits.

  • Oversee ongoing PTA finances, ensure adherence to approved PTA budget.

  • Prepare and present budget report for each PTA general meeting.


  • Take minutes at PTA meetings and distribute them in a timely fashion.

  • Make copies of minutes from the last meeting for distribution (and approval) at next meeting

  • Submit approved minutes for inclusion on website

  • Attend executive board meetings, participate in discussions and decision-making, take minutes for preparation and distribution to the other officers.

  • Forward required documentation to Colorado PTA main office.


A lead person or a communications committee is needed to organize each of the communication efforts. Each program requires a varying level of time commitment.


Keeping every family informed of upcoming events and opportunities for students is an important part of the Mitchell Community. Traditionally the Mitchell PTA has sent out a monthly e‑newsletter to members, posted to the PTA Facebook page, included important information in the school’s weekly Friday Note. All of these activities can be done from home. PTA officers and event chairs will provide the content. Attendance at PTA meetings is helpful to keep the pulse of what is going on but not required.


From the monthly newsletter to the website to the yearbook, pictures of school life are regularly used by PTA. All that is required of you is to contact the Communications or Yearbook chair for information on where to upload your pictures. It couldn’t be easier!


The PTA website is an important tool for providing information, handling registration forms and payments, promoting communications and more. A skilled web administrator is needed to maintain the site and integrate new changes.


Mitchell students and families love the school yearbook both for now and as a keepsake to keep for the future. The PTA produces a yearbook each year through the efforts of parent volunteers willing to step up to put it together.

Community Programs

Golden Schools Foundation Board member – Every school in the Golden articulation area that is supported by the Golden Schools Foundation has a member on the GSF board. This volunteer attends GSF meetings, participates in the GSF decision-making as a Board member and provides updates back to the Mitchell community.

Week of Giving Back – The week of giving back revolves around Martin Luther King Day in January. Students and families are encouraged to bring in items to be donated to charities around the Golden area. A chair or co-chairs are needed to arrange the logistics for that week.

Veterans Day Breakfast – A breakfast is provided at the school each November 11th to honor our veterans and recognize those family members serving in the armed forces. A co-chair is needed to work with a Teacher to plan the logistics for the morning.

Enrichment Programs

Mitchell students love to participate in the many enrichment programs offered by PTA. These programs can be run by one chair, co-chairs or committees so grab some friends and get involved.

All Pro Dads – Two breakfast events each year, one in the fall and one in the spring, for dads to connect with their students and the school. A chair or co-chair are needed to plan these events.

Community Garden - Our garden was built in the fall of 2012 by active Mitchell PTA parents. In order to keep the garden as an important resource in the school community and make sure the garden maintains district standards, a dedicated chair (or co-chair) is needed each year.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Committee – This committee is open to all members of the Mitchell community, including school staff, teachers, and leadership; families and caregivers; and PTA board and members. Our mission is to cultivate equity, inclusion and belonging in the school and community that allows students to bring their whole selves to school today and into the future. We host three signature events each year including Back Together Movie Night, a Parent Education Night and Better Together: A Celebration of Belonging. Check out the EDI page for more information.

Environmental Learning for the Future (ELF) – ELF is an educational program delivered by volunteers in every classroom for grades Kindergarten – 4th. Two co-chairs are needed to run this program each year. Chairs are responsible for providing the training and material for the 5 learning units for the year. Teachers help recruit volunteers in their classrooms to deliver the learning units to the students.

Fuel Up to Play 60 – FUTP60 is a national program offered to 5th grade students. Students are looking for ways to make the school healthier and more active. They help during Field Day, Bike to School Day and Walk to School Day. A co-chair is needed to work with the school PE teacher organize events and meetings.

Math & Science Night

& S Night is a big event at the school that occurs one evening in September. Activities include promoting the event, soliciting groups to be a part of the program, organizing volunteers and running the program. Co-chairs or a committee are needed to organize this night and many volunteers are needed for different activities before, during and after the event.

Mitchell Mileage Club

The mileage club provides a rewarding program for students to run during recess in the fall and spring. Activities occur in September/October and April/May and include providing supplies for the program and arranging volunteers for recess twice per week. A chair or co-chairs are needed to organize the programs and many volunteers are needed to help during school recess times.

Oral Interpretation (Open Mic)

This program provides students with the opportunity to develop their public speaking skills. Activity is mostly in February and March and includes promoting the event in the school, collecting student entries, arranging for volunteer coaches and judges and organizing the evening performance. A chair is needed to run the program and volunteers are needed during school recess time or after school to help coach the students.

Reflections Art Contest

Reflections is a National PTA contest that runs in the fall. Activity is mostly in September/October and includes promoting the event in the school, collecting student entries, arranging for entry judging, and organizing a reception to celebrate the students. A chair or co-chairs are needed to run the program. Volunteers are needed to help prepare and display the artwork.

Science & Social Studies Fair

The SSS Fair is usually held in January and includes promoting the event in the school, arranging judges, and organizing the evening event for students to display projects and talk to the judges. Co-chairs plan and run the event and rely on volunteers to help that evening.

SHINE Talent Show - This has not been done in years due to no parent volunteers

A talent show for 4th and 5th grade studies to share their talents with the community. Typically held in April activities include promoting the event in the school, holding auditions and rehearsal for the student acts and hosting the evening event for the performances. A chair is needed to organize the event and rehearsals. Volunteers are needed to help with the stage, media and other logistics that night.


A lead person or a fundraising committee is needed to organize each of the fundraising programs. Each program requires a varying level of time commitment and at different times of the year.

Direct Donation Campaign — The biggest fundraiser for Mitchell the campaign runs all year, however the largest effort is in September/October to promote the campaign and thank all contributors.

Business Sponsorships — We are fortunate to live in Golden with many generous businesses! Every year we partner with these businesses and receive great support through different events - culminating in Western on Washington!

Barnes and Noble night – A fun night at B&N for students to perform and a portion of all sales are donated back to the PTA. One time per year usually in March

BoxTops for Education – The national program requires collecting and remitting the labels and is done once in the fall and once in the spring

Edukits – The Edukits program is an easy way for families to get all of the school supplies needed for their student for the next school year. A chair or co-chairs are needed to coordinate the orders and delivery of items to the students prior to school starting for the year.

OriginalWorks Art Fundraiser – Work with the Art teacher to provide every student with the opportunity to order merchandise based on his or her original artwork. One time per year in November/December


A lead person or a hospitality committee is needed to organize each of the events. Each event requires a varying level of time commitment and at different times of the year.

Teacher Return breakfasts – provide breakfast for teachers before students return (once in August and once in January)

Kindergarten Ice Cream Social – A fun start of the school year event in August for Kindergarten families

Conference dinners – Twice a year (spring and fall) organize potlucks or restaurant donations to provide teachers with dinners on the two nights of parent-teacher conferences

Admin Professional Day – In April, show appreciation for the school’s administrative staff

Teacher Appreciation Week – In May, a week of recognizing and showing appreciation for teachers (past examples have been dessert bar potluck, coffee cart, chair massages, flowers, cards, and a donated gift exchange)


A lead person or a committee is needed to organize each of the social events. Each program requires a varying level of time commitment and at different times of the year.

Lakeside Night – An end of school year event in May that is held at Lakeside amusement park with other area schools.

Western on Washington (WOW) - An adult only social event that supports local business along Washington Avenue held in April.